Speech-Language and Occupational Therapy Benefits through Medicare

Medicare is like most health insurance carriers in that they provide benefits for services that will improve your health or quality of life.  Two services that fall under this realm are speech-language therapy and occupational therapy as they help you handle day to day stresses and frustrations.  These benefits will help you incur the financial strain involved with getting therapy.
Medicare defines these services as follows: “…Speech-language therapy (pathology services) includes exercise to regain and strengthen speech skills.  Occupational therapy includes exercise to help you do usual daily activities by yourself. You might learn new ways to eat, put on clothes, comb your hair, and perform other usual daily activities. You may continue to receive occupational therapy if ordered by your doctor even if you no longer need other skilled care…”
If you feel that you qualify for these services you should talk to your doctor or another medical professional as soon as possible.  You could be paying for services that are covered under the Medicare policy that you have and are paying premiums for.  Ask your doctor specifically if you qualify for these services and make a point of telling him or her that you think this could improve your quality of life.  Don’t quit trying to get the services that you are contractually able to receive.

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