Receiving Earlier ESRD Medicare Coverage

Medicare provides health insurance for people 65 and over, people under 65 with specific disabilities, and people of any age with End-Stage Renal Disease. Both Medicare Parts A and B are required to provide ESRD Medicare recipients with coverage.

 Typically, dialysis coverage begins the fourth month of your treatments.  However, there are some circumstances which will allow you to receive earlier Medicare benefits. For instance, if you participate in a home dialysis training program to learn how to give yourself home dialysis  treatments (before your fourth month of treatments), your coverage can begin the first month of dialysis, provided the training facility is approved by Medicare and that you expect to finish the training and give yourself dialysis treatments.  You can receive coverage the same month you are admitted to a hospital (also approved by Medicare) for a kidney transplant or preparations for a kidney transplant, if your transplant is within that month or two months following it.  If your transplant is postponed over two months after being admitted, your coverage can start two months before your transplant.   

Although your coverage will end twelve months after the month you stop dialysis treatments and 36 months after the month of your kidney transplant, there are circumstances which will allow your benefits to be extended.  If you get a kidney transplant 12 within months following the month when you stopped dialysis or 36 months following the month you have a kidney transplant, your benefits will be extended.  They will also be extended if you start dialysis again in the same time frame.

If you or someone you love has End-Stage Renal Disease, look into your Medicare benefits.   When you’re aware of your options, you will find that Medicare can help provide timely coverage for your health care needs.

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